The recipe file index is in Tea.for.Two. A translation of food names from English to Japanese is found in food.names.

Recipes are found in the following blogspot sites: (1) appetizers.&.snacks, (2) beef, (3) beverages.&.drinks
(4) breads.&.muffins, (5) casseroles.&.stews (6), (7) cups.of.tea, (8) eggs.&.cheese,
(9) fish.&.seafood, (10) fruit, (11), (12) pasta.&.noodles, (13) pork, (14) poultry, (15) rice,
(16), (17) soups.&.salads, (18) sweets.&.treats, (19) tofu, (20) vegetables.

Lastly, cooking and household tips are in this-n-that.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sarmale (cabbage rolls)

From the kitchen of Dorina

1 kg minced meat (half pork and half beef)
2 brine cabbages
75 g rice
2 medium onions
400 g tomato (1 can) or 2 tbsp of tomato sauce
savory at taste

Shred the onion. Mix the meat with the rice and onion. Add salt, pepper, dill and savory at taste. Choose fine cabbage leaves. Cut fine the very small ones. Make oval meatballs out of meat and cloth them in cabbage leaves as babies in diapers.

In a pot, put the cut cabbage and arrange the sarmale around the pot. Finish with cut cabbage again. Add water to cover the sarmale and let boil at small fie until the cabbage is ready.

Serve with sour cream on 2 or 3 sarmale per serving and with corn mush. This dish can also be made with fresh cabbage, but in this case, between the sarmale layers, put layers of sliced tomatoes. These, too, are served with sour cream and Mamaliga (corn mush).